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On Now

Target Zero Tours

Target Zero Tours

Join us at The Forks for a 60-minute tour that brings together performance, workshop activities and a lot of learning!  The Forks’ Target Zero program is all about reducing waste and emissions.  This tour will take classrooms to a variety of locations around The Forks.  Our hilarious Tour Guides will present information on bio fuel, active transportation, composting, the urban orchard, living local and more.

Designed for grades 4-8.


Cost:  $280/Tour (subsidies available)

Target Zero Tours

Wild Wild Wilderness Performance

Wild Wild Wilderness is a play that demonstrates the connections between habitat, wildlife, and human activity. A dynamic and whacky story of one kid’s accidental effect on a nearby forest and its creatures, performed by an actor, a musician and armfuls of adorable puppets. 


Cost: $700

Wild Wild Wilderness
The Landfill Mutant Vs. <Insert Your School Here>
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The Landfill Mutant Vs. <Insert Your School Here>


An hilarious and perilous play written for grade 5-9 classrooms to produce and perform

for their schools and communities.


When a well-meaning student's science fair project takes on a life of its own, it's up to the students and teachers to change their behaviours and stop the all-consuming Landfill Mutant ... before it's too late.


Topics include Zero Waste, Active Transportation, Reducing Emissions and Household Chemicals and Toxins. The overarching theme is Reducing Our Waste. 



All rights to the production, printed copies of the script and support publications,

25 hours of mentorship.



All rights to the production, printed copies of the script and support publications,

12 hours of mentorship.



All rights to the production, printed copies of the script and support publications,

general support.


This program is also offered in French, as Le mutant de la décharge vs (nom de votre école).

Le mutant de la décharge vs (nom de votre école)


Le mutant de la décharge vs (nom de votre école) est une pièce rigolo et périlleuse écrite par nous et monté par vous. “Vous” étant les élèves de la 5ième à la 9ième année.


Quand un élève bien-intentionné crée un project qui s’anime, il faut que ses ami(e)s et ses enseignant(e)s changent leurs habitudes pour arrêter le mutant ultra-consommant… avant que ça mange tout!

La pièce parle des produits chimiques dangereux chez vous, le concept de zéro déchets, le transport actif, la réduction des émissions nocifs, les germes dans la maison, et les toxines qui se trouvent dans la maison. Le grand thème, et la leçon la plus évidente, c’est la réduction de nos déchets.



Tous les droits pour monter la pièce, des copies papier du text et des guides et 25 heures d’aide pour les élèves et les enseignant(e)s, fourni par 2 artistes enseignants de Green Kids.



Tous les droits pour monter la pièce, des copies papier du text et des guides et 12 heures d’aide pour les élèves et les enseignant(e)s, fourni par 2 artistes enseignants de Green Kids.



Tous les droits pour monter la pièce, des copies papier du text et des guide et du support général.

Ce programme est aussi offert en anglais sous le titre 'The Landfill Mutant vs <Insert Your School Here>'

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Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 11.35.13 PM.png

Book a classroom Eco-Drama Workshop

Eco Drama Inspired by the Science Curriculum, Green Kids’ love of theatrics, and Mother Nature herself, these workshops will lead students on an exploration of what those 3 Rs really mean and how young and old can make them part of their everyday lives. 

Eco Drama Workshops

Schools can book in French as well, click on poster for more details

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Show History
Show History


Bike and Circuses (2024)

Rolling Theatre in the Park (2024)

Bike and Circuses (2022)

The Landfill Mutant (2021 & 2022)

Wild Wild Wilderness (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022)

Target Zero Eco Tours of The Forks (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019)

Unplugged (2014 & 2015)

Recycle THIS. (2013 & 2014)

Ebb & Flo (2009, 2010 & 2013)

Palais Oops! (2009, 2011 & 2012)

Palais Oops! (2009, 2011 & 2012)

Happy Birthday (2006)

Awesome Powers III (2005)

Awesome Powers II - Duel with the Cool Fool (2004)

Awesome Powers (2003)

Forest Is As Forest Does (2002)

The Evergrow Enviroshow (2001)

Eugene Greene and the Clean Machine (2000)

Six Degrees of Conservation (1999)

Men in Green (1998)

This Just In (1996 & 1997)

Green Me Up, Scotty (1995)

Green Streets, Clean Streets (1993 & 1994)

The Green Kids Show, Recycled (1992)

The Green Kids Show (1991)

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